Women’s travel – details

Integrated tourism in Ghana

Women’s travel “The strong women of Ghana” – the programme:

After you arrival on Saturday, you will have two days for settling in at KASAPA Centre: an afternoon at the beach, a stroll through our local community, initial contacts with women from different walks of life (details in the tabulated overview).

Then we proceed to Kumasi and surrounding areas (4th – 7th day): first to the magical and peaceful Bosomtwi crater-lake on the banks of which we’ll settle for the next four nights in a beautiful lodge. visiting places of historic interest in the Ashanti kingdom and traditional religion, e.g. an old Ashanti fetish shrine (UNESCO World Heritage Site); an extended stroll through Kumasi’s immense colourful and ever-busy Central Market (the largest in West Africa) and a meeting with the representatives of a traditional market women’s association; then to the Cultural Centre which houses various arts and crafts stalls and a small but very informative Museum about the history of the Ashanti kingdom. Next day, an Ashanti „queen mother“ will receive us, if possible, and we will visit the weaving village Bonwire where the famous Kente fabrics are produced. Traditionally, only men are entitled to do it, but we will try to also meet one of the few women who acquired a position in the highly esteemed weavers’ guild.

Then we continue to the Mesomagor, a remote village of cocoa farmers about 1,5 hrs north of Cape Coast (8th – 10th day). Here you can witness the peasants’ way of processing palm nuts, cassava and cocoa, can taste fresh palm-wine and meet the representatives of the local „women’s association.“ Mesomagor also boasts a marvellous dance troup, a traditional bamboo orchestra and an evening entertainment of humourous traditional „story-telling“ – village life at it’s best!

Then along the West Coast (11th – 13th day), initially to an idyllic beach resort at Ampenyi Beach. After the first overnight there, we will visit the „Global Mamas“ in Cape Coast, a self-help organisation of well over 600 women marketing their traditional handicrafts even internationally. Next morning, we proceed from Ampenyi beach to the to the scenic fishing town of Elmina with its famous ancient Portuguese slave trade castle. Later in the afternoon, our programme will take us to Kakum National Park normally one “jungle night” in a well secured tree house (otherwise in a hotel nearby); very early next morning the famous “Canopy Walk” over suspended walkways connecting giant rainforest trees and an informative hiking trail. A visit to Cape Coast Castle museum, in the afternoon back to KASAPA Centre.

On the 14th day, we can go to Accra (for example, to the big shop of „Global Mama“). Then, on the 15th day, after a last overnight at KASAPA Centre transfer to airport Accra and takeoff back home.

Services included:

  • Programme as described. Also viable for guests with disabilities. (Please, contact us before booking)
  • Accommodation: in twin, double or (with surcharge) single rooms in KASAPA Centre resp. in comfortable hotels / lodges; 2 nights in a rather modest village guesthouse; 1 night in a jungle tree house
  • Board: half board or occasionally full board (including lunch) during excursion trips. If contacted before booking, we can make allowance for special dietary requests
  • Transport with a KASAPA-owned van; transfers from/to Accra airport
  • All expenses for site-visits
  • English and German speaking tour guide (i.e. the German co-initiator of KASAPA Centre), competent personnel at your service
  • If you book through “Ghana-Reisen” (see below): compensation of greenhouse gas emissions caused by your air travel. More


Not included:

  • flights to/from Ghana
  • visa for Ghana (currently 60,– €)
  • private insurance policies
  • unlisted meals, dessert after dinner (outside of KASAPA Centre)
  • personal expenses, tips etc.


Minimum number of participants: four (with some additional charge also three or two). – Maximum: ten

Requirements: Despite tropical temperatures (usually between 27 – 22°) and high levels of air humidity, average physical condition will be sufficient. Important are flexibility and adaptability as everyday-life in Africa does not always go according to plans and expectations.

women’s travel – tabulated overview

More information, contact: mail@kasapa.eu

Booking: Through Ghana-Reisen, see booking request

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